Specialty Police Munitions The Hottest New Specialty Ammunition, Weapons Platforms, Devices, and Chemical Agents for Real-World Law Enforcement

Specialty Police Munitions The Hottest New Specialty Ammunition, Weapons Platforms, Devices, and Chemical Agents for Real-World Law Enforcement
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  • ISBN-13: 9781581600872
  • ISBN: 1581600879
  • Publisher: Paladin Press


Jones, Tony L.


Chapter 1 - Specialty Impact Munitions (Less Lethal)Effects 2 Considerations for Using SIMsIntended PurposeLevel of ThreatDistance to the SubjectTarget PictureSubject''s ClothingSubject''s Physical Stature and ConditionImmediate SurroundingsIntended Impact ZoneAiming PointContainment and ApprehensionTrainingClassifications and DescriptionsDelivery SystemsStorage RecommendationsPolicy and ProceduresManufacturers of SIM SystemsAdvanced Materials Laboratories/ISPRAAirMunitionAlliant TechsystemsALS TechnologiesCapture Systems Inc.Combined Tactical SystemsDefense Technology Corporation of AmericaFederal Laboratories Inc.Getec America CorporationHydro-ForceMK Ballistic SystemsNOVARoyal ArmsSage InternationalSea Technology, Inc.Universal Propulsion CompanyElectrical Stun DevicesHand-Held Stun DevicesNOVAStun ShieldsStun BeltBaton Stun DeviceStun Pole DeviceTasersNOVATaser InternationalMilitary SIM and Related SystemsSpecialty Purpose, Low Lethality Anti-Terrorist Munitions (SPLLATM)The Future of SIMsChapter 2 - Specialty Exotic MunitionsDetonating-Tip AmmunitionFirequestEnhanced Expanding AmmunitionFirequestFragmenting Enhanced ProjectilesMagnum Performance Ballistics and Triton CartridgeCorbonFive Star CartridgesGlaser Safety SlugMagSafe AmmoSteel TacksFirequestSteel Darts (Fletchettes)FirequestSteel HooksFirequestSteel Wire with Lead Balls AttachedFirequestBrass NuggetsFirequestSteel ChainFirequestBBs-and-Lead-Ball MixtureFirequestNested ProjectilesMilstorFirequestFive Star CartridgesIncendiary RoundsFirequestVisual Stimulation ProjectilesFirequestLimited-Penetration RoundsFirequestPersonally Modified or Personally Reloaded ProjectilesValid Specialty MunitionsArmor-Piercing RoundsArmor-Piercing Shotgun RoundsFirequestMK Ballistics SystemsAntivehicle RoundsMK Ballistic SystemsFrangible Shotgun AmmunitionFrangibile ShotgunCombined Tactical SystemsDefense Technology Corporation of AmericaFirequestLongbowMK Ballistic SystemsRoyal ArmsSage InternationalSeeler Enterprises, Inc.Special Purpose Low Lethality Anti-Terrorist MunitionsFrangibile Handgun AmmunitionWinchesterRemingtonFrangible Rifle AmmunitionWinchesterTactical AmmunitionALS TechnologiesBlack Hills AmmunitionFederal Cartridge CompanyHirtenberger PatronenfabrikHornady Manufacturing CompanyRemingtonSpeer/BlountWinchesterTracer RoundsRifle Tracer RoundsHandgun Tracer RoundsHornadyShotgun Tracer RoundsFirequest12-Gauge Shotgun SlugsAntiterrorist RoundsGECO Blitz Action TraumaNew Generation AmmunitionLapuaPrecision Rifle (Sniper) RoundsBlack HillsCorbonHornadyRemingtonWinchesterExplosive Ordnance Disposal RoundsMK Ballistic SystemsRoyal ArmsExplosive Door CuttersRoyal ArmsSummaryChapter 3 - Chemical Agent MunitionsArea DevicesAdvanced Materials LaboratoriesDefense Technology Corporation of AmericaHand-Delivered Chemical Agent DevicesAdvanced Materials LaboratoriesCombined Tactical SystemsDefense Technology Corporation of AmericaRendering Safe Hand-Delivered Chemical Agent DevicesTactical Aerosol DevicesCap-Stun Zarc International, Inc.Hand-Held Aerosol DevicesCap-Stun Zarc International, Inc.Chemical Agent AmmunitionAdvanced Materials LaboratoriesCombined Tactical SystemsDefense Technology Corporation of AmericaFirequestSage InternationalSeeler Enterprises, Inc.Special Purpose Low Lethality Anti-Terrorist MunitionsChemical Agent Launchers and EquipmentAdvanced Materials LaboratoriesCombined Tactical SystemsDefense Technology Corporation of AmericaNICO PyrotechnikRoyal ArmsLoading, Unloading, and Maintaining Chemical Agent LaunchersUse-of-Force GuidelinesTactical Use of Chemical AgentsChemical Agent TypesCriteria for the Selection of a Chemical AgentChemical Agent Dissemination MethodsLess-Lethal vs. Lethal UseOperating in a Chemical Agent EnvironmentChemical Agent Policy and ProcedureFamiliarization and TrainingDeliberate Chemical Agent ExposureSummaryChapter 4 - Distraction or Diversionary MunitionsDistraction/DiversionaryRendering Safe ProceduresDistraction Device PolicyRules of EngagementTypes of Distraction DevicesPull-PinString-PullSubmunitionRocket-Motor-Propelled Rod TypeWeapon LaunchedSheet or Strip ModelIgnition Type DeviceExamples of Distraction DevicesAdvanced Materials LaboratoriesDefense Technology Corporation of AmericaCombined Tactical SystemsMK Ballistic SystemsNICO PyrotechnikRoyal ArmsUniversal Propulsion CompanyDeploying Distraction DevicesSpecialty Impact MunitionsChemical MunitionsSpecialty Tactical MunitionsAdvanced Materials LaboratoriesCombined Tactical SystemsFirequestNICO PyrotechnikRoyal ArmsSpecial Purpose Low Lethality Anti-Terrorist MunitionsSummaryChapter 5 - Specialty Training MunitionsMarking AmmunitionAdvanced Tactical SystemsAirMunitionBlank AmmunitionAirmunitionCentre Firearms Co., Inc.Projectile-Propelling Training AmmunitionAirMunitionFrangible Training AmmunitionUsing Stell Targets SafelyExamples of Frangible AmmunitionCCI/Speer ZNTDelta Frangible AmmunitionLongbowRemingtonNontoxic AmmunitionNontoxic Lead-Free AmmunitionCCI/BlountFederal Cartridge CompanyWinchesterTracer RoundsNICO PyrotechnikRifle Tracer RoundsHandgun Tracer RoundsShotgun Tracer RoundsReduced-Recoil RoundsEconomic Factory Training LoadsComputer-Simulated TrainingIES RangeSummaryConclusionBibliographyEquipment ResourcesAppendix Factory-Supplied Technical Data SheetsJones, Tony L. is the author of 'Specialty Police Munitions The Hottest New Specialty Ammunition, Weapons Platforms, Devices, and Chemical Agents for Real-World Law Enforcement' with ISBN 9781581600872 and ISBN 1581600879.

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