Special Education for Today's Teachers: An Introduction

Special Education for Today's Teachers: An Introduction
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  • ISBN-13: 9780131185609
  • ISBN: 0131185608
  • Edition: 1 Pck Pap/
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Publisher: Prentice Hall


James McLeskey, David L. Westling, Michael S. Rosenberg


Special Education for Today's Teachers: An Introduction Michael S. Rosenberg, David L. Westling, and James McLeskey A BOOK WHOSE TIME HAS COME. The challenges we face today in special education require highly-qualified, reflective practitioners who use research-based strategies in the classroom and who are excited about the success and future of our children. If you are interested in the profession of teaching, whether in the general or special education classroom, then this is the book for you. Engaging and insightful, Special Education for Todays Teachers: An Introduction not only provides a solid foundation for being a teacher in todays diverse classroom, but helps you to truthfully answer the question, Are you prepared to serve and teach all students? Features include: A strong focus on professionalism, instructional application, and reflection throughout the text and on the DVD-ROM that accompanies the text. Access to Merrills Teacher Preparation Website ( www.prenhal.com/teacherprep ) included inside every new copy of the text. Connections are made throughout the text to this website. A FOCUS ON PROFESSIONALISM My Profession, My Story vignettes highlight teachers, their life experiences, dispositions, and attitudes, and how all of these factors relate to daily teaching practice and the profession. Site Visit: Effective Practices in Action features highlight programs in which educators are engaging in effective research-based practices for the classroom. Chapter 16: Continuing a Special Education Career: Collaboration, Professionalism, and Professional Development. Addresses the CEC Knowledge and Skill Standards, CEC Code of Ethics, and PRAXIS Standards. A FOCUS ON INSTRUCTIONAL APPLICATION Highly Effective Instructional Strategiesfeatures help readers to understand the steps necessary to incorporate effective strategies into their teaching. Can You Help Me With This Student? featurespresent a scenario or case study where a teacher is facing a difficult or challenging situation and show how this challenge could be resolved. Technology for Access features are integrated throughout the text. Chapter 5: Teaching, Learning, and Behavior Management. A FOCUS ON REFLECTION Chapter 1: Teaching Students with Special Educational Needs: Finding Your Role Reflective Exercises margin notes engage readers through thought-provoking questions that extend the content of the narrative. Reflect Upon focus questions are found at the beginning of each chapter. To visit the website that accompanies this text, please go to http://www.prenhall.com/rosenberg .James McLeskey is the author of 'Special Education for Today's Teachers: An Introduction', published 2007 under ISBN 9780131185609 and ISBN 0131185608.

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