Heman Melville's Captain Ahab referred briefly to a wife and son - and author Louise Gouge has built an entire book series around these unseen characters. The first two books focused on Hannah, his wife, Son of Perdition follows Timothy Jacobs, the son whose bitterness toward his father's godless reputation caused him to even reject his father's name. Timothy Jacobs spends his young life trying to prove that he is not like his father, the infamous Captian Ahab. Certain of his own goodness compared to the misguided mariners he observes at the Seaman's Mission where he volunteers, he feels no need for the salvation of Christ, which his mother and stepfather encourage him to accept. But when he is tragically wounded in battle, he is nearly consumed by rage at God, whom he now regards as unjust and uncaring. Not until he reads an account of his father's futile battle against the White Whale does Timothy realize the nature of his own sin and how both he and his father have misunderstood the merciful, loving nature of God.Gouge, Louise M. is the author of 'Son of Perdition ', published 2006 under ISBN 9781589190412 and ISBN 1589190416.
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