Sociology Windows on Society, an Anthology

Sociology Windows on Society, an Anthology
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  • ISBN-13: 9780195330526
  • ISBN: 0195330528
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Publisher: Oxford Univ Pr


Lauer, Robert H., Lauer, Jeanette C.


The seventh edition of Lauer and Lauer's best-selling anthology Sociology: Windows On Society has been significantly updated with fifteen new selections. The book continues to draw on both contemporary sources and the classical literature of sociology to explore the nature of social life, with an emphasis on issues of gender, race/ethnicity, and inequality. The editors have chosen articles that challenge preconceived notions and conventional wisdom while also demonstrating the distinctive power of the sociological viewpoint. The units are divided into parts to show how the selections fit into the topics covered in the introductory course. Major concepts are highlighted and explained in the introductions to the units, parts, and in each selection. Review questions and application projects encourage students to get involved in the learning process and help them better understand social research and methods. Related websites have been added to each selection so that students can pursue additional research on their own or as part of an assignment. Also new to this edition is a subject index. New selections in the seventh edition address such topics as: * The issue of equality in marriage compared across thirteen nations * How culture influences the sexuality of Asian Americans * Why some men are regular customers of strip clubs * Socializing problems of interracial couples * Why poverty is a structural, not a personal, problem * Everyday sexism * The economic differences between Republicans and Democrats * The issue of national security versus civil liberties * How technology affects interpersonal relationships * Violence and suffering among prostitutes * How social movements affect social policy A completely revised, comprehensive Instructor's Resource Guide/Testing Program is available. It includes "Suggestions for Classroom Use," which have been added to each selection. These offer ideas for integrating the materials into lectures and/or using the materials for discussion or small-group exercises.Lauer, Robert H. is the author of 'Sociology Windows on Society, an Anthology', published 2005 under ISBN 9780195330526 and ISBN 0195330528.

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