Rules-Lawyers are an unexpectedly hardy breed of disgusting humanoid (at least in physique) creature. To all outward appearances they are a normal human being, like you or me, and it is only by their strange behavior and by very close physical examination that they are revealed to be anything other than Homo Sapiens. Scholars are in agreement that Rules-Lawyers have been around at least as long as games of any kind have existed. Some go as far as to say they have existed as long as rules themselves have existed in this universe. They are said to have lived among us, alongside man and his more primitive and slope headed ancestors since time itself began, waiting for them to lose interest in football and develop the wheel. There does exist within the Rules-Lawyer's hearts the faint hope that on one glorious day all of reality will conform to The Rules and be under their sway but with Chaos Theory still in vogue the Rules-Lawyers are filled with such an abiding sense of dread that they find themselves seeking refuge in the one place they can be sure of how everything works.Desborough, James is the author of 'Slayer's Guide to Rules Lawyers' with ISBN 9781903980361 and ISBN 1903980364.
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