Watch Out, Waikiki! Wherever there's chocolate, there's sure to be a Sisterchick celebrating, and this trip to Hawaii is no exception. Best friends Hope and Laurie are on an audacious mission to commemorate their fortieth birthdays in style. Surfing and sailing, sushi and snorkeling-these two macadamia nuts from the mainland sample it all, unhindered by a surprise little stowaway. SisterchickTM n.: a friend who shares the deepest wonders of your heart, loves you like a sister, and provides a reality check when you're being a brat. Luaus are only the beginning. The island experience binds Hope and Laurie's souls together, gently restoring their unfinished dreams. Garlanded with leis or swimming with sea turtles, they join the dance of delight in their Maker, entering the next season of their lives filled with the unforced rhythm of grace.Gunn, Robin Jones is the author of 'Sisterchicks Do the Hula!' with ISBN 9781590522264 and ISBN 1590522265.
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