Singing And Playing The Beginners' Book of the Oxford Piano Course for Class And Individual Instruction

Singing And Playing The Beginners' Book of the Oxford Piano Course for Class And Individual Instruction
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  • ISBN-13: 9781417934331
  • ISBN: 1417934336
  • Publisher: Kessinger Publishing, LLC


Schelling, Ernest


1928. Also authored by Gail Martin Haake, Charles J. Haake and Osbourne McConathy. The authors introduce the book with the following: Dear Children, This is your very first piano book. It is for boys and girls who are taking their first piano lessons. Have you ever tried to play your songs on the piano? You will notice that every piece in this book is a song. First you will sing the song and then you will learn to play it. That is why we have named the book Singing and Playing. We hope that you will like the pieces in this little book and that you will have fun singing and playing them.Schelling, Ernest is the author of 'Singing And Playing The Beginners' Book of the Oxford Piano Course for Class And Individual Instruction' with ISBN 9781417934331 and ISBN 1417934336.

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