The Tokugawa Shogunate, a group of military governors who ruled Japan until the late 1800's, stayed in power for more than two centuries. Their fall was one of the most important events in Asian history. Also known as the Meiji Restoration, the shogun's ouster began as a reaction against their willingness to "collaborate" with the West. The samurai took the shogun's position as a sign of weakness. The samurai plotted to overthrow the shogun. Murder, assassination, and intimidation soon followed. By the end of 1862, hordes of renegade samurai had transformed Japan's capital streets into a sea of blood. This vivid historical narrative captures one of the most enthralling and blood-splattered eras in Japanese history.Hillsborough, Romulus is the author of 'Shinsengumi The Shogun's Last Samurai Corps', published 2005 under ISBN 9780804836272 and ISBN 0804836272.
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