Sex, Abortion and Unmarried Women

Sex, Abortion and Unmarried Women
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  • ISBN-13: 9780313240713
  • ISBN: 031324071X
  • Publisher: Greenwood Publishing Group, Incorporated


Sachdev, Paul


Sachdev provides a detailed examination of the psychological responses of women who have had abortions. The author surveyed a sample of unmarried women aged 18 to 25 who had had abortions during the past six months to one year. Based on in-depth interviews with these women, the study presents quantitative and qualitative findings. While some authors have stressed the negative psychological impact of abortion, Sachdev demonstrates that the majority of women in his study were comfortable with their decisions and experienced few adverse psychological reactions. Impressively researched, this insightful study persuasively refutes claims and myths such as: --women are increasingly using abortion as their primary method of contraception --the abortion experience is more traumatic than giving up a newborn infant for adoption --unrestrictive abortions encourage irresponsible sex --sex education and the ready availability of contraceptive devices encourage sexual experimentation --unmarried women get pregnant because they want to for some "underlying motives" --most unmarried abortees experience pathological guilt and depression following abortion surgery --abortions performed in hospitals are therapeutic and emotionally healthy The volume begins with a look at the abortion controversy in North America. The following chapter presents general information on the psychological effects of abortion. Sachdev then discusses his research methodology in detail, and through the chapters that follow he records and analyzes the attitudes and experiences of the women interviewed. The study includes information on the sexual activity and contraceptive history of the participants, their reaction to their becoming pregnant, the factors that persuaded them to have an abortion, and their experiences after the surgery. Unique features of this book: * provides an engaging and thorough account of the author's extensive interviews with women who have had an abortion * examines the sexual activity, the pregnancy, and abortion experience of unmarried women in the context of their social networks, i.e., peers, parents, male partners, siblings, an important aspect largely neglected in previous studies * the author integrates his findings with a broad survey of relevant literature * written in a lucid, crisp, and engaging style that captures the women's most vivid and intimate experiences in sex relations, and with pregnancy and abortion * based on a carefully selected sample of women, Sachdev breaks new ground in many areas, including the role of male partners, doctors and nurses, and of the hospital milieu in shaping the women's responses to pregnancy and abortion * integrates in a unique way pragmatic policy advice along with applied researchSachdev, Paul is the author of 'Sex, Abortion and Unmarried Women' with ISBN 9780313240713 and ISBN 031324071X.

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