..". a powerful lesson in what a museum can do when it draws on its own resources." -- The Washington Times "Seen individually or as an ensemble, these compositions represent a culminating phase of Seurat's development, at once lucid, subtle, and strong.... In its clear focus upon an important aspect of Seurat's work, it nevertheless stands as a welcome addition to the literature on that preeminent master of Neo-Impressionism." -- Choice This illuminating introduction to Seurat's unusual art explores the four different views of Gravelines, a small seaport in Normandy, which Seurat painted in 1890, the summer before his death. The book contains reproductions and full documentation of Seurat's Gravelines works and analyzes Seurat's distinctive approach to color, design, and perception.Lee, Ellen W. is the author of 'Seurat at Gravelines The Last Landscapes' with ISBN 9780936260563 and ISBN 0936260564.
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