Awakenings of Love ANCIENT EGYPTIAN LOVE LYRIC Your love has gone all through my body like honey in water, as a drug is mixed into spices, as water is mingled with wine. Oh that you would speed to see your sister like a charger on the battlefield, like a bull to his pasture! For the heavens are sending us love like a flame spreading through straw and desire like the swoop of the falcon! Anonymous [c. 1085c. 570 b.c.] FLOWER OF LOVE The perfume of your body dulls my sense. I want nor wine nor weed; your breath alone Suffices. In this moment rare and tense I worship at your breast. The flower is blown The saffron petals tempt my amorous mouth, The yellow heart is radiant now with dew Soft-scented, redolent of my loved South; O flower of love! I give myself to you. Uncovered on your couch of figured green, Here let us linger indivisible. The portals of your sanctuary unseen Receive my offering, yielding unto me. Oh, with our love the night is warm and deep! The air is sweet, my flower, and sweet the flute Whose music lulls our burning brain to sleep, While we lie loving, passionate and mute. Claude McKay [18901948] THE BAIT Come live with me, and be my love, And we will some new pleasures prove Of golden sands, and crystal brooks, With silken lines, and silver hooks. There will the river whispering run Warmed by thy eyes, more than the sun. And there the'enamoured fish will stay, Begging themselves they may betray. When thou wilt swim in that live bath, Each fish, which every channel hath, Will amorously to thee swim, Gladder to catch thee, than thou him. If thou, to be so seen, be'st loth, By sun, or moon, thou darkenest both, And if myself have leave to see, I need not their light, having thee. Let others freeze with angling reeds, And cut their legs, with shells and weeds, Or treacherously poor fish beset, With strangling snare, or windowy net: Let coarse bold hands, from slimy nest The bedded fish in banks out-wrest, Of curious traitors, sleavesilk flies Bewitch poor fishes' wandering eyes. For thee, thou need'st no such deceit, For thou thyself art thine own bait, That fish, that is not catched thereby, Alas, is wiser far than I. John Donne [15721631] SO JUST KISS ME So just kiss me and let my hair messy itself in your fingers tell me nothing needs to be done no clocks need winding There is no bell without a voice needing to borrow my own instead, let me steady myself in the arms of a man who won't ask me to be what he needs, but lets me exist as I am a blonde flame a hurricane wrapped up in a tiny body that will come to his arms like the safest harbor for mending Jewel Kilcher [1974 ]Blease, Kathleen is the author of 'Sensual Love Poems', published 2002 under ISBN 9780345447876 and ISBN 0345447875.
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