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The emphasis of classical physics has consistently been stability. Yet, today's thinking has evolved to the realization that such a qualification applies only to limited aspects. Because evolutionary processes lead to vast diversification and increasing complexity, the behavior of a macroscopic system with many interacting subunits can substantially differ from the random superposition of the independent subunits' evolution. This monograph explores the self-organization phenomena arising in such systems. While relatively new, this field of investigation already encompasses a wide range of problems from chemistry to biology and population dynamics. With emphasis on nonlinear interactions and non-equilibrium constraints, the authors explain how departures from incoherent behavior are induced. Bifurcation and probability theories are used in Parts II and III to explain evolution and pattern formation. Parts IV and V detail examples of self-organization such as oscillating reactions, enzymatic reactions, cellular regulation, morphogenesis, prebiotic evolution, population dynamics, and sociobiology. In addition to the direct utility of mathematical models in the analysis of complex systems, the monograph stresses the universality of the concepts and mechanisms underlying self-organization as opposed to the diversity of the fields to which they apply. Contents: Introduction. Conservation Equations. Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes: The Linear Region. Nonlinear Thermodynamics. Systems Involving Chemical Reactions and Diffusion-Stability. Mathematical Tools. Simple Autocatalytic Models. Some further Aspects of Dissipative Structures and Self-Organization Phenomena. General Comments. Birth and Death Descriptions of Fluctuations. Effect of Diffusion: Phase-Space Description and Multi-Variable Master Equation. A "Mean Field" Description of Fluctuations: Nonlinear Master Equation. Self-Organization in Chemical Reactions. Regulatory Processes at the Subcellular Level. Regulatory Processes at the Cellular Level. Cellular Differentiation and Pattern Formation. Thermodynamics of Evolution. Thermodynamics of Ecosystems. Perspectives and Concluding Remarks. References. Index.Gregoire Nicolis is the author of 'Self-Organization in Nonequilibrium Systems: From Dissipative Structures to Order through Fluctuations', published 1977 under ISBN 9780471024019 and ISBN 0471024015.
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