Seeing is Forgetting the Name...

Seeing is Forgetting the Name...
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  • Comments: This particular book, a readable and intact copy, is no exception. Despite showing noticeable wear and tear, particularly on the spine, it stands as a testament to the journey it has undertaken through various hands and minds. This essay delves into the details of this book's condition, exploring the implications of its wear, the presence of notes and highlights, and the significance of its role as a reading copy.


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  • ISBN-13: 9780520045958
  • ISBN: 0520045955
  • Publisher: University of California Press


Weschler, Lawrence


"Robert Irwin, perhaps the most influential of the California artists, moved from his beginnings in abstract expressionism through successive shifts in style and sensibility, into a new aesthetic territory altogether, one where philosophical concepts of perception and the world interact. Weschler has charted the journey with exceptional clarity and cogency. He has also, in the process, provided what seems to me the best running history of postwar West Coast art that I have yet seen."--Calvin TomkinsWeschler, Lawrence is the author of 'Seeing is Forgetting the Name...' with ISBN 9780520045958 and ISBN 0520045955.

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