There are many self-defense books on the market that stress reaction to an attack. Most of their suggestions are based on misconceptions and assumptions from sports martial arts. These books overwhelmingly emphasize reactive techniques, rather than teaching you how to develop an effective-and proactive-strategy. But, as any football fan knows, most often the best defense is a strong, unpredictable offense. With a slavish dedication to the wrong training paradigm and unrealistic goals and attitudes, a fighter who suddenly faces the fight of his life has to make a complete shift, or fail. The truth is, when you see the fist coming at you it's usually too late to make this shift-on the street, in particular, but also in the ring. Reaction time is seldom as fast as the time it takes to attack, which is why technique-based training so often fails. All the dedication and hard training in the world can't alter or overcome this unpleasant fact. But taking a proactive and strategic approach puts you back in control. This book will teach you how to develop that control. In Secrets of Effective Offense, Marc MacYoung, in the grand tradition of Sun Tzu and Clausewitz, draws on his long experience to teach the strategy and tactical skills necessary to: 1) avoid dangerous situations, 2) defuse unavoidable dangerous situations, and 3) take charge of dangerous situations by switching from defense to the necessary level of effective offense. With black-and-white photographs and straightforward descriptions, MacYoung provides an indispensable handbook for those who are willing to take charge.MacYoung, Marc is the author of 'Secrets of Effective Offense Survival Strategies for Self-Defense, Martial Arts, and Law Enforcement', published 2005 under ISBN 9781592283699 and ISBN 1592283691.
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