In the desert wasteland of a devastated Yokohama, lawless superhumans known as Alter Users terrorize the terrain. The remaining champions of morality and order have formed a special task force called Holy, mandated to bring these mutants to justice. However, Holy may be just as terrifying as the beasts it vows to eradicate. Only Kazuma, a lone Alter User with an empathic heart and a hair-trigger temper, stand against both - an advocate of the defenseless in a world polarized by power. The manga that sparked the Japanese phenomenon that included the mega-hit anime, presented here for the first time in the US in Tokyopop's 100% Authentic Manga format, Scryed merges the mayhem of Mad Max with the outsider appeal of the X-Men in a story fraught with deranged villains, supernatural action and political intrigue.Kuroda, Yosuke is the author of 'Scryed' with ISBN 9781591822288 and ISBN 1591822289.
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