Each year, nearly 230,000 highly motivated students take at least one SAT II exam, the subject-specific test used by colleges in conjunction with the SAT I for admission and course placement. Everything students need to sharpen skills and hone subject knowledge for the SAT IIs is right here in Peterson's new SAT II Success series. Not a beat-the-test gimmick, this groundbreaking series packs solid review, training, and proven strategies into four value-packed volumes. Geared specifically to the individual SAT II tests in American History, Biology, Math IC and IIC, and Writing -- the most popular of the nineteen tests offered each year -- each book builds on students' knowledge and instills confidence as it takes them through: -- Diagnostic testing to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses-- Instruction and review to hone subject knowledge-- Five full-length practice tests with explanatory answers-- Exclusive "Red Alert" test-taking strategies-- An easy-to-follow format in student-friendly language-- A flexible study planAmerican Bookworks Staff is the author of 'SAT ll Success: Biology E/M (Ecological/Molecular) - Peterson's - Paperback' with ISBN 9780768904123 and ISBN 0768904129.
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