Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore The Greek Pottery

Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore The Greek Pottery

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  • ISBN-13: 9780876611814
  • ISBN: 0876611811
  • Publisher: American School of Classical Studies at Athens


Pemberton, Elizabeth G.


Situated on the slopes of Acrocorinth, which rises to the south of the main part of the ancient city, the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore was the focus of excavations from 1961 through 1973. This is the first volume of final publication and presents pottery used in the sanctuary from the Protocorinthian period through 146 B.C. A glossary of descriptive terminology is followed by 28 shape studies, reinforced by two catalogues of over 600 pieces, both whole vessels and fragments. Catalogue I presents 11 context groups consisting of material from votive pits, deposits of votive discards, and building fills which spans the Greek history of the sanctuary. These groups reflect the architectural development of the complex and the types of votive and domestic pottery used in all periods, and at the same time they shed light on the cult activities at the sanctuary. Catalogue II includes fine and coarse wares in a wide range of Corinthian and imported fabrics. Examples of post-Classical phialai are the subject of a contribution by Kathleen W. Slane.The pottery is fully illustrated with photographs and drawings of profiles and decoration. A concordance and lot list are included, as well as a bibliography for Corinthian findspots outside the sanctuary and an index of findspots and proveniences. Indexes of decorative schemes, dipinti and graffiti, and painters supplement the general index.Pemberton, Elizabeth G. is the author of 'Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore The Greek Pottery' with ISBN 9780876611814 and ISBN 0876611811.

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