Get Samba running right, the first time . . . every time! Here's the Samba-3 cookbook you've been searching for! This book's complete configuration files, step-by-step implementation instructions, network diagrams, and automated scripts make Samba-3 deployment a breeze. From small office networks to enterprise environments, here are proven configurations and expert guidance you won't find anywhere else. Long-term Samba Team member John H. Terpstra covers all these scenarios, and more: "No frills" Samba servers: replacing Windows 9x peer-to-peer networks and supporting Windows 2000 and XP clients Small- to-mid-sized networks requiring basic security, user groups, and remote access Secure, scalable networks with domain logons and roaming profiles Deploying Samba in environments that utilize routers and firewalls Improving network user experience through desktop profile controls, policy controls, and folder redirection Full-fledged enterprise network environments-with hot tips to enhance availability and performance Migrating seamlessly from Windows NT 4 to Samba-3 Adding UNIX/Linux clients and servers to your existing Windows networks Guidance for integration of Samba-3 into your Microsoft Active Directory Domain Configuration guides for DHCP, DNS and OpenLDAP servers to get the most out of your Samba network Includes guidelines for estimating server hardware needs If you're a Windows network administrator responsible for deploying or managing Samba, Samba-3 by Example is your indispensable resource. CD-ROM Included CD-ROM contains all example configuration files, scripts, and tools covered in the book.Terpstra, John H. is the author of 'Samba-3 by Example Practical Exercises to Successful Deployment', published 2004 under ISBN 9780131472211 and ISBN 0131472216.
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