Preface. Introduction. The Breadth and Depth of Religious Experience A Brief Outline of the Phenomenological Method Attitudes and Institutions in the Study of Religion A Final Word Notes Suggestions for Further Reading. 1. Toward a Definition of Religion. The Search for a Definition of Religion Elements of Religion Religion and Human Thought Religion and Feeling Religion and Action Individual and Social Existence Values and Religion Substance or Function? Toward Resolution A Proposal In Conclusion Notes Thought Experiments Suggestions for Further Reading. 2.The Nature of the Sacred. The Complex Character of the Sacred The Concept of Sacred Reality Specially Distinctive To Some Extent, Beyond the Volitional Control of Human Beings Specially Prominent with Respect to Human Welfare Properly Determinative of Various Aspects of Human Existence Summary Notes Thought Experiments Suggestions for Further Reading 3.The Appearance of the Sacred. Types of Sacred Appearance Varieties of Media Sacred Objects Sacred Time Sacred Space Sacred Appearance and the Complexity of Traditions Notes [read more]