Royal Hunter

Royal Hunter
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  • ISBN-13: 9780553582420
  • ISBN: 0553582429
  • Publisher: Random House Publishing Group


Kauffman, Donna


"Bloody hell and damn." Archer switched off his datatran and threw it across the room. The resulting crash wasn't satisfying, but then nothing else had satisfied him today, so why should that be any different? He'd spent hours making contacts, and contacts of contacts, even going so far as to talk to people he'd had no use for in years. He knew how to dig up information. This time had been different. He was no closer to finding a link to Eleri Trahaern than when he left the castle this morning. He pressed a button on the com arm and a transmitter dropped down from the ceiling to hover in front of him. "Data on," he said wearily. He'd already read over the old reports from every other person who'd attempted to find Eleri Trahaern. "Page three," he ordered, skimming once again the first report, filed days after her disappearance. There was one bit of information that nagged at him. "The Old One," he murmured. The reclusive mystic was the only person connected to the royal healer who had never been found or interrogated. "Probably dead by now." A sleek black cat undulated around the corner of the living area and leaped into his lap. "A cat, huh? Well, I suppose we are on the prowl." Ringer studiously washed his paws, ignoring his master entirely, but making himself quite at home in his lap. "Beastie," he muttered, but scratched him behind the ears as he reread the report. "Find visual of the Old One," he ordered. "Search logs dated thirty years or before." "No visual available," purred the audiotrak. "Yeah, yeah. Locate contacts of the Old One. Any contact." It wasn't a promising lead, but it was better than nothing. "No available information." Just then a loud burst of static sputtered from across the room where the datatran lay in several pieces. "Jesus, Joseph, and Elvis." Covering his ears, Archer pushed Ringer off his thighs and crossed the room, intent on stomping the damn thing to death. The air flickered in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. The squeal died as the air shifted and transformed into the image of an old man in a white robe. "I believe you are looking for me." Even though it was obviously a hologram, Archer palmed the gaz he always wore and looked from floor to ceiling, wall to wall, wondering where in the hell it was transmitting from. He had no such expensive apparatus here. Had the queen sent someone in to have him watched? He didn't think anyone could breach his security rig, but then she'd found out about his past. Maybe he'd underestimated her far too much. "Your field is secure," the old man said quietly. "I suggest you ask the questions you wish and do it quickly if you intend to succeed in your mission. Trust that I am not making contact because I enjoy the company." "Who the hell are you?" "I am Baleweg. I believe you know me as the Old One. Meet me in one hour. Your datatran contains the address." Then the image blinked away, the air still and clear. "Why not answer my questions right n" He was gone. Archer dragged over a chair and spent a few minutes scanning the metal-beamed ceiling, but knew it was no use. Whatever had made that transmission wouldn't be obvious. A real inspection would take time. Time the Old One was correct in stating he didn't have. He pocketed his gun and scooped up the abused datatran. The cover had broken off and the ear wire was bent, but ... He pressed his thumb toKauffman, Donna is the author of 'Royal Hunter' with ISBN 9780553582420 and ISBN 0553582429.

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