Rock Star Momma The Hip Guide to Looking Gorgeous Through All Nine Months And Beyond

Rock Star Momma The Hip Guide to Looking Gorgeous Through All Nine Months And Beyond
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  • ISBN-13: 9780743277808
  • ISBN: 0743277805
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Publisher: Atria Books


Hoppus, Skye, Norwood, Mandi, Denoon, Amy


casual cool Whether it's heading to the mall, running errands, grabbing a movie withthe girls, or going for a laid-back Sunday morning brunch, "casual cool"is what it's all about. In those pre-pregnancy days, you'd just toss ona tracksuit or an old scrappy T-shirt, some awesome jeans, and a killerbelt for instant style. But now that you're knee-deep in hormones andfeeling like the human equivalent of a Hummer, getting dressed to runaround town isn't the no-brainer it used to be. Even picking out a basicT-shirt can turn into such a daunting task that finding the square rootof 126,784,589 seems almost easier. Ah, the joys of hormones, my dearpregnant friend. Enter Casual Cool. This chapter was created to help make it easier toachieve relaxed pregnancy style that flatters and feels good, even onthose scary, hairy, hormone-laden days. Through the following sections,Rock Star Mommawill make sure you've got the pregnancy essentialsfor looks that rock! Check them out: Totally Tanks and Tees Denim to Die For Stellar Skirts Terrific Tracksuits TOTALLY TANKS AND TEES T-shirts and tank tops are the Holy Grail of casual cool. Whether they'repaired with your favorite pair of jeans, comfy trackpants, stylish cargos,or a sassy skirt, tanks and tees are true maternity wardrobe staples. Bythe very nature of being pregnant, passersby can't help but look at yourtummy -- and in turn, at that (hopefully) darling tee covering it. Sonow's the time to step on up and embrace those fun and funky tops likenever before. After all, people are looking! How to find simply fabulous casual cool tees for your belly? It's easy. Ipromise. First, just say "no!" to those huge, long, tentlike tops.No,no, no!Honey, this is the time to delight in your curves, not drownthem. Then, keep in mind the metamorphosis your belly is about to embark upon:from shape and size to how high or low it sits each and every day of yourpregnancy. What you'll look for in tops during month three is differentfrom what you'll need by month eight. Thankfully, with the "T-shirts bytrimester" guide below, you'll learn all about the hottest tops to wearnow through to baby. Read on, maternity maven!T-shirts by Trimester First Trimester In those early months of pregnancy, even though your bundle of joy isbarely the size of a lima bean, your bod is gearing up for the manychanges to come and the pounds may be a-packing. You may be feeling sonauseous that the only foods fit to soothe your stomach are laden withcomforting but calorie-packed carbs. French fries? Pasta? Cereal? Bagels,anyone? Add hormones to the mix and it's only natural that you may befeeling a little bloated and...well, slightly curvier than the pre-pregnancy you. Don't even get me started on the fact that your boobs areabout to burst out of your shirt! That said, it's not quite time for you to make a mad dash to thematernity boutique to outfit your changing shape. If this is your firsttrip through the wonderful world of pregnancy, you probably won't even"show" until around the seventeenth or eighteenth week -- that's over awhole month into your second trimester. But subsequent pregnancies canstart to show between weeks twelve and fifteen. The best way to conceal that burgeoning bulge during those first fewmonths is to wear tops that flatter and minimize your subtly expandingcurves -- until, that is, your soft midsection evolves into a firm bump.Boxy and unshapely tees areneverflattering, but if you arestarting to get mushy around the middle, relaxed, languid ones are. Justdon't wear your tees so loose that the whole world wonders what you'retrying to hide, especially if the nonpregnant you usually sticks toform-fitting shapes...you wouldn't want to blowHoppus, Skye is the author of 'Rock Star Momma The Hip Guide to Looking Gorgeous Through All Nine Months And Beyond', published 2007 under ISBN 9780743277808 and ISBN 0743277805.

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