In The Rising Stars of Manga Volume 5, TOKYOPOP has awarded aspiring artists and writers a unique opportunity to be published and receive a well-deserved jump start on their creative careers! This edition also includes our first-ever People's Choice Award, culled from more than 5,000 online votes. The young voices included in TOKYOPOP's The Rising Stars of Manga are shaping a groundbreaking vision that will define manga's future-and the future is now! Past winners have signed multivolume book deals with the manga giant-check out Van Von Hunter by Mike Schwark and Ron Kaulfersch; Peach Fuzz by Lindsay Cibos and Jared Hodges; Bizenghast by M. Alice LeGrow; and MBQ by Felipe Smith, just to name a few of the recent rising stars. So what is the secret to becoming America's next top manga-ka? The answer is right inside!Valois, Rob is the author of 'Rising Stars of Manga 1 United Kingdom And Ireland', published 2005 under ISBN 9781595328151 and ISBN 1595328157.
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