Rights of Patients in Europe A Comparative Study

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  • ISBN-13: 9789065446718
  • ISBN: 9065446710
  • Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business


Leenen, Henk J. J., Gevers, J. K., Pinet, G.


This book is based on the results of a study on patients' rights in the European member states of the World Health Organization. Relevant topics are discussed, such as:informed consent;access to patients' medical records;privacy and confidentiality of data;minors' rights;mental patients' rights;complaint procedures;ethics committees;rights of incompetent adults; andcivil, penal, administrative, and disciplinary law in health careThe book also covers the mechanisms for protection and enforcement of these rights.A comparative approach is used, when studying the rules of the various countries, to demonstrate present and future trends. The authors also highlight, analyze, and discuss the response of legislation to the development of patients' rights.This book is ideal for universities, private and public health care organizations, international organizations, lawyers, doctors, and health authorities.Leenen, Henk J. J. is the author of 'Rights of Patients in Europe A Comparative Study' with ISBN 9789065446718 and ISBN 9065446710.

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