Just when you think there's nothing left to learn about riding safely, along comes Ride Hard, Ride Smart by Pat Hahn. With years of experience in motorcycle safety and strategy as a springboard, Hahn digs deep into safe riding techniques to develop new, big-picture, and sometimes unorthodox methods of staying safe on two wheels. This includes subtle mental strategies, off-beat advice, explicit techniques for dealing with trouble, and lifesaving tips for beating the odds. Through it all Hahn weaves irony and humor to keep it fun. Hahn rates motorcycle risk and riding on a scale of one to ten, ten being mere moments away from certain death, and one being home safe in bed. Every motorcycle ride falls somewhere in between. Using what Hahn calls the three degrees of separation-riding strategies, training and skills, and protective gear-a rider can reduce the risk to a controllable level.Hahn, Pat is the author of 'Ride Hard, Ride Smart Ultimate Street Strategies for Advanced Motorcyclists', published 2004 under ISBN 9780760317600 and ISBN 0760317607.
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