Review of Adult Learning And Literacy Connecting Research, Policy, And Practice a Project of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning And Literacy

Review of Adult Learning And Literacy Connecting Research, Policy, And Practice a Project of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning And Literacy
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  • ISBN-13: 9780805854602
  • ISBN: 0805854606
  • Publisher: Erlbaum Associates, Incorporated, Lawrence


Comings, John P., Garner, Barbara, Smith, Cristine


Review of Adult Learning and Literacy: Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice, Volume 6,is the newest volume in a series of annual publications of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) that address major issues, the latest research, and the best practices in the field of adult literacy and learning. Each Reviewopens with an overview of significant recent developments in the field of adult literacy during the previous year, followed by a set of chapters presenting in-depth reviews of research and best practices on topics of high interest to the field. Volume 6includes chapters on: *Demographic change and low-literacy Americans; *The role of vocabulary in Adult Basic Education; *Implications of research on spelling for Adult Basic Education; *Issues in teaching speaking skills to adult ESOL learners; *The preparation and stability of the Adult Basic Education teaching workforce; *The adult literacy system in Ireland; and *Broad-based organizing as a vehicle for promoting adult literacy. The Review of Adult Learning and Literacyserves as the journal of record for the field and is an essential resource for all stakeholders who need to know what research can reveal about how best to serve adult learners.Comings, John P. is the author of 'Review of Adult Learning And Literacy Connecting Research, Policy, And Practice a Project of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning And Literacy' with ISBN 9780805854602 and ISBN 0805854606.

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