CONTENTS:ForewordIntroductionChapter One. What is Asymmetric Warfare?Defining Asymmetry?Characteristics: Disparity of Interest? Targeting the Will of the Opponent?Attaining Strategic Effect on All Levels of War?The Importance of Effectiveness? The Threat-Response Dynamic?A Final Example: The Gulf Tanker War?ConclusionsChapter Two. A Typology of Asymmetry:What, Who, and When?The What: The Range of Potential Asymmetric Threats? The Who: Regional, Rogue, and Nonstate Actors?The When: Likelihood During Phases of a Crisis?ConclusionsChapter Three. Looking in the Mirror:Where Are Our Asymmetric Vulnerabilities?Measuring Conventional Military Superiority?Examining the Homeland?Quantifying the Homeland:What Are the Targets?Examining Potential VulnerabilitiesChapter Four. Categorizing the ThreatsWhat Are the Ten Asymmetric Threats?ConclusionsChapter Five. An Option of Difficulties ?Countering Asymmetric ThreatsCurrent Initiatives: The State of Play Today?Summarizing Current Initiatives?Doing Better: Beginning with Three Ideas?Policy Recommendations?An Option of Difficulties?Chapter Six. Conclusions: The Uneasy AtheniansEndnotesMcKenzie, Kenneth F., Jr. is the author of 'Revenge Of The Melians Asymmetric Threats And The Next Qdr' with ISBN 9781410219411 and ISBN 1410219410.
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