An Eye-Opening, Intuitive Approach to the More Subtle Problems of Analysis and Design Systems analysis and design have solved many problems, but they have also created many problems. This unique book tackles crucial analysis and design issues that are glossed over in conventional texts. It recognizes that while many problems are solved with systems analysis and design, many problems are also created. Using a short, highly readable essay format, Rethinking Systems Analysis & Design presents readers with both the logical and the more intuitive aspects of the analysis/design process. The book is not intended as an alternative to structured analysis and design, but rather as a supplement for those who must deal with the less structured processes of analysis and design. A witty and illustrative fable concludes each of this engaging book's seven parts. Among the informative topics are - mastering complexity - general systems thinking - observing and interviewing - trading off quality versus cost - understanding the designer's mind - design philosophy.Gerald M. Weinberg is the author of 'Rethinking Systems Analysis and Design' with ISBN 9780932633088 and ISBN 0932633080.
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