Developed and hosted by resistance-training expert Everett Aaberg, the Resistance Training Instruction DVD Serieswalks trainers through the steps of instructing clients during resistance training. The DVDs demonstrate the proper techniques for the participant and proper instructional methods for the fitness professional. The three DVDs, which cover the lower body, trunk, and upper body, allow trainers to watch and learn the proper exercise and training techniques for all of the exercises in the book Resistance Training Instructionand many more exercises not included in the book. Targeted muscles are identified for each exercise, providing trainers with information about functional anatomy. Plus, a time-coded program log makes it easy to find specific exercises. Resistance Training Instruction: Lower Bodydemonstrates exercises from the hip down. Since the hip's primary function is to work with the knee and ankle during compound movements, numerous variations of squats, presses, and lunges are presented. Several exercises that isolate lower-body movements are also included, as these more specific exercises may be equally important for accomplishing a variety of goals. Resistance Training Instruction: Trunkfocuses on strengthening and developing the trunk and core muscles. The core muscles, or "inner unit," work interdependently with the outer abdominal and oblique musculature to stabilize the spine and produce a variety of movements. The DVD demonstrates how to correctly perform and instruct numerous resistance and Swiss ball exercises to strengthen the core muscles and trunk region. Resistance Training Instruction: Upper Bodybegins with an examination of how the shoulder girdle is designed to function during an upper-body exercise. The DVD then demonstrates exercises that focus on the larger pushing and pulling movements. Pushing and pressing exercises that target the chest, anterior deltoid, and associated triceps are presented at several angles with numerous variations. Dumbbell presses, barbell presses, cable presses, machine presses, and Swiss ball even presses and push-offs are demonstrated in this DVD. Many types of pulling and rowing exercises and variations are also demonstrated and are divided according to their associated joint movement. With the Resistance Training Instruction DVD Series, you will learn how to teach resistance training so that your clients use the proper techniques to get the most out of their exercises. Human Kinetics DVDs are coded for universal playback and can be played in all regions of the world.Aaberg, Everett is the author of 'Resistance Training Instruction Set', published 2007 under ISBN 9780736073714 and ISBN 073607371X.
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