Researching Your Own Practice The Discipline of Noticing

Researching Your Own Practice The Discipline of Noticing
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  • ISBN-13: 9780415248617
  • ISBN: 0415248612
  • Publisher: Routledge


Mason, John


Central to caring professions such as teaching is the need to notice and be sensitive to the experiences of pupils and teachers. Starting from this position, Researching Your Own Practice demonstrates that in order to develop your professional practice you must first develop your own sensitivities and awareness. One must be attuned to fresh possibilities when they are needed and be alert to such a need through awareness of what is happening at any given time. By giving a full explanation of this theory and a guide to its implementation, this book provides a practical approach to becoming more methodical and systematic in professional development. It also gives the reader a basis for turning professional development into practitioner research, as well as giving advice on how noticing can be used to improve any research, or be used as a research paradigm in its own right. The discipline of noticing is a groundbreaking approach to professional development and research, based upon noticing a possibility for the future, noticing a possibility in the present moment and reflecting back on what has been noticed before in order to prepare for the future. John Mason, one of the discipline's most authoritative exponents, provides us here with a clear, persuasive and practical guide to its understanding and implementation.Mason, John is the author of 'Researching Your Own Practice The Discipline of Noticing' with ISBN 9780415248617 and ISBN 0415248612.

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