Researching Health Care Designs, Dilemmas, Disciplines

Researching Health Care Designs, Dilemmas, Disciplines
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  • ISBN-13: 9780415070775
  • ISBN: 0415070775
  • Publisher: Routledge


Daly, Jeanne, Willis, Evan, McDonald, Ian


The health care system is under intense pressure to change, but deeply rooted disciplinary preconceptions have hampered relevant research. To begin constructive change, it will be necessary for all parties with a stake in the outcome to understand the issues and the options. This collection addresses these issues, evaluates the health disciplines, and weighs the strengths and weaknesses of different research methods. The editors concentrate on experimental method, surveys and qualitative method, aiming to develop a multidisciplinary criteria for assessing scientific rigor. This collection contributes to the proper evaluation of research grant proposals so that the direction of research is correctly targeted. Researching Health Careis invaluable to all health care policy researchers and planners.Daly, Jeanne is the author of 'Researching Health Care Designs, Dilemmas, Disciplines' with ISBN 9780415070775 and ISBN 0415070775.

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