The area of analog integrated circuits is facing some serious challenges due to the ongoing trends towards low supply voltages, low power consumption and high-frequency operation. The situation is becoming even more complicated by the fact that many transfer functions have to be tunable or controllable. A promising approach to facing these challenges is given by the class of dynamic translinear circuits, which are, as a consequence, receiving increasing interest. Several different names are used in literature: log-domain, exponential state-space, current-mode companding, instantaneous companding, tanh-domain, sinh-domain, polynomial state-space, square-root domain and translinear filters. In fact, all these groups are (overlapping) subclasses of the overall class of dynamic translinear circuits. Research Perspectives on Dynamic Translinear and Log-Domain Circuits is a compilation of research findings in this growing field. It comprises ten contributions, coming from recognized 'dynamic-translinear' researchers in Europe and North America. Research Perspectives on Dynamic Translinear and Log-Domain Circuits is an edited volume of original research.Serdijn, Wouter A. is the author of 'Research Perspectives on Dynamic Translinear and LogDomain Circuits ' with ISBN 9780792378112 and ISBN 0792378113.
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