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  • ISBN-13: 9780373792931
  • ISBN: 037379293X
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Publisher: Harlequin Enterprises, Limited


Leigh, Jo


KATE SHOULD HAVE kept her eyes on her job, restocking the little refrigerator behind the bar, but she was so bored it was hard not to look around. All day, five days a week, pushing her cart in and out of rooms, checking how many little bottles of vodka, bourbon or gin had been used, how many candy bars and packets of peanuts had been nibbled. It was ridiculous that she had to spend so many hours doing this, while she should be putting all her energy into getting her life back. Unfortunately, she needed to eat and she preferred a roof over her head. So she worked for room service at the Meridian Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. Laying low, staying as invisible as possible. Kate preferred empty rooms where she was able to sail in and out quickly with her cart, ignoring the bland decor, identical in every room, down to the tan-colored, easy-to-disinfect imitation leather upholstery. She shuddered at the memory of the couple in 1242 on Monday afternoon who'd forgotten to hang out the Do Not Disturb card or bolt the door. She'd walked in on them having wild sex on top of the bedspread. Kate had just muttered her apologies and left, conveniently forgetting to return before the end of her shift. Undoubtedly the hotel manager would have docked her wages if they'd complained, but they hadn't. At least this guest, a nice-looking man in his thirties who'd barely acknowledged her when she'd come in, had stayed in the suite's living room. At first she'd thought he was talking to her, then she'd realized he was rehearsing a speech. One part of a speech. Something to do with changing neighborhoods for the better. She tried again to concentrate on her job as the man paced across the room. She still had six more suites on this floor to do before lunch and couldn't afford to have her pay docked. She just wished the job was more interesting. It left her with way too much time to think. To be afraid. She looked up, not at the man, but at the mirror behind the bar, and saw him cross the room. She'd grown accustomed to being on the alert, always conscious of any and all entrances and exits. It had taken time to grasp that nowhere was safe, but she got it now. Behind every door, every smile, lay the potential for danger. There was a knock at the door just as she crouched down to stock the fridge. The mirror gave her a clear view of the room, while the bar hid her from sight. She stilled, trying to convince herself it was probably nothing. Room service. A friend. Not about her at all. Then she smiled at her own paranoia. There were two sodas and a couple of candy bars missing, and she reached into her cart to dig out the replacements. The guest opened the door, not cautiously as she would have, but calmly intent. Two young men, both Asian, dressed in baggy clothes with hoodies under their coats, rushed in. The guest cried out and tried to block them. Before Kate could even reach for the gun in her ankle holster, the men drew their automatic weapons. Gunfire exploded, and she watched as the guy was torn apart, his blood seeping into the pale carpet. Terrified, she held her breath, knowing she wouldn't stand a chance against automatic weapons, knowing this man, this nice guy practicing his speech, was dead. Was it because of her? Wasshethe real target? The gunfire stopped and the killers left as swiftly as they had burst in. A shout echoed from the hallway; in the room though, there was nothing but quiet and the awful stench of death. It took her a moment to realize she wasn't next. That she had to leave. This second. She eyed her cart. There was no way she'd be able to wheel it down that hallway. Too many people had heard the gunfire. There was a fire exit just down the hall, away from the elevators. She walked to the door. Once there, she snuck a glance down the hall. There were two men, guests. They were looking around frantically, clearly reacting to the sound of the gunfire. With juLeigh, Jo is the author of 'Relentless', published 2006 under ISBN 9780373792931 and ISBN 037379293X.

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