"The Raw and The Rough" is the story of young Randy Catch and his brief venture in the world of Boxing. After a bad encounter with his manager he finds himself on the run. Eventually meeting up with and befriending Willie Poken (Slim). The story tells of their travels to Oakland, CA and finding love and friendship in an unusual place. "South, Though The Painted Desert" tells the story of Charles Lyman Briggs and his discontent with job, marriage, money and himself. Even though he seems to be the evil one here the other people in his life all turn out to be even worse or do they? Don't miss the twist ending to this story, that nobody would predict!Rodrigues, Vernon is the author of 'Raw and the Rough and South, Through the Painted Desert Two Stories by Vernon Rodrigues', published 2006 under ISBN 9781425967390 and ISBN 1425967396.
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