" There is no real teacher who in practice does not believe in the existence of the soul, or in a magic that acts on it through speech." -- Allan Bloom Every morning, millions of adults handle the most demanding audience anyone could ever hope to know-- a roomful of students-- in what many would argue is the most important job in our society: teaching. Teachers have the power to shape lives, and in turn, shape the world in which we live, as the famous thinkers in this fascinating collection will attest. With reflections from Aesop to Martin Luther King Jr. and Margaret Mead to Barbara Kingsolver, these inspirational and informative words of wisdom discuss everything from the importance of teaching and learning, to the need to think outside the box, to dealing with discipline and classroom management. By turns thought-provoking and laughter-invoking, this collection should be on the bookshelf of every teacher, young and old alike.Howe, Randy is the author of 'Quotable Teacher ', published 2006 under ISBN 9781592289707 and ISBN 1592289703.
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