Quietly My Captain Waits is a thrilling novel of two lovers whose fates are sealed by the fateful clash of Empire in early eighteenth-century Acadia. This historical romance is based on the real-life love of two bold residents of New France--the fiery Louise de Freneuse, married and widowed twice, and Pierre de Bonaventure, Captain in the French Navy. Their doomed relationship helps them endure the day-to-day struggles in the besieged frontier settlement of Port Royal. Quietly My Captain Waits sees beyond the cold facts of history into the hearts of Acadian settlers, government officials and Native allies. A Formac Fiction Treasures series title.Eaton, Evelyn is the author of 'Quietly My Captain Waits - Evelyn Eaton - Paperback' with ISBN 9780887805448 and ISBN 0887805442.
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