Bringing the everyday lives of everyday people into the spotlight, each one of the titles in this series takes a look at the day-to-day details of ancient civilizations and their time periods. They also offer insight into daily chores, family structures, and the practice of religion. Through these pages, today's readers can see the everyday details that have managed to survive space and time. Reflejando la vida cotidiana de la gente comu n, cada uno de los ti tulos de la coleccio n intenta rescatar las particularidades de los pueblos de la antigu edad y de los peri odos histo ricos que hoy resultan enigma ticos y lejanos. Tambie n ofrecen un compendio sobre las tareas diarias, la organizacio n familiar y la pra ctica de la religio n. A trave s de sus pa ginas, es posible conocer curiosidades que sobreviven al tiempo y la geografi a y llegan hasta nuestros di as.Garcia, Alvaro Cruz is the author of 'Pueblos Del Caribe Y La Amazonia ', published 2007 under ISBN 9788497648370 and ISBN 8497648374.
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