Principles of Scientific Management

Principles of Scientific Management
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  • ISBN-13: 9781421803401
  • ISBN: 1421803402
  • Publisher: 1st World Publishing, Incorporated


Taylor, Frederick Winslow


President Roosevelt in his address to the Governors at the White House, prophetically remarked that "The conservation of our national resources is only prelimi-nary to the larger question of national efficiency." The whole country at once recognized the importance of conserving our material resources and a large movement has been started which will be effective in accomplishing this object. As yet, however, we have but vaguely appreciated the importance of "the larger question of increasing our national efficiency." We can see our forests vanishing, our water-powers going to waste, our soil being carried by floods into the sea; and the end of our coal and our iron is in sight. But our larger wastes of human effort, which go on every day through such of our acts as are blundering, ill-directed, or inefficient, and which Mr. Roosevelt refers to as a, lack of "national efficiency," are less visible, less tangible, and are but vaguely appreciated.Taylor, Frederick Winslow is the author of 'Principles of Scientific Management ' with ISBN 9781421803401 and ISBN 1421803402.

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