1. Narration. Only Daughter Sandra Cisneros. How the Crab Apple Grew Garrison Keillor. Shooting an Elephant George Orwell. 2. Description. In the Kitchen Harry Louis Gates Jr. One More to the Lake E.B. White. The Way to Rainy Mountain N. Scott Momaday. 3. Comparison/Contrast. Sex, Lies, and Conversation Deborah Tannen. How It Feels to Be Colored Me Zora Neale Hurston. Reading The River Mark Twain. 4. Process Analysis. How to Write with Style Kurt Vonnegut. E-Mail: What You Should and Shouldnt Say Mark Hanson. How to Say Nothing in Five Hundred Words Paul Roberts. 5. Persuasive Argumentation. Should English Be the Law? Robert D. King. The Ethics of Euthanasia LawrenceJ. Schneiderman. Sex, Lies, and Advertising Gloria Steinem. 6. Classification/Division. Doublespeak William Lutz. The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria Judith Ortiz Cofer. College Pressures William Zinsser. 7. Definition. Why I Want a Wife Judy Brady. Mother Tongue Amy Tan. The Barrio Robert Ramirez. 8. Exemplification. Just Walk On By: A Black Man Ponders His Power to Alter Public Space Brent Staples. On the Interstate: A City of the Mind Sue Hubbell. A Weight That Women Carry Sallie Tisdale. 9. Cause and Effect. On Reading and Writing Stephen King. Meet the Bickersons Mary Roach. The Fear of Losing a Culture Richard Rodriguez. Acknowledgements.Minor, Dorothy is the author of 'Prentice Hall Pocket Reader : Patterns - Dorothy Minor - Paperback' with ISBN 9780131344501 and ISBN 0131344501.
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