Poverty And Equity Measurement, Policy, And Estimation With Dad

Poverty And Equity Measurement, Policy, And Estimation With Dad
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  • ISBN-13: 9780387258935
  • ISBN: 0387258930
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Publisher: Springer


Duclos, Jean-Yves, Abdelkrim, Araar


This text addresses the understanding and alleviation of poverty, inequality, and inequity using a unique and broad mix of concepts, measurement methods, statistical tools, software, and practical exercises. Part I discusses basic fundamental issues of well-being and poverty measurement. Part II develops an integrated framework for measuring poverty, social welfare, inequality, vertical equity, horizontal equity, and redistribution. Part III presents and develops recent methods for testing the robustness of distributive rankings. Part IV discusses ways of using policy to alleviate poverty, improve welfare, increase equity, and assess the impact of growth. Part V applies the tools to real data.Most of the book's measurement tools and statistical tools have been programmed in DAD, a well established and widely available free software program that has been tailored especially for income distribution analysis and is used by nearly 1,000 scholars, researchers, and analysts in nearly 100 countries worldwide. Requires basic understanding of calculus and statistics.Duclos, Jean-Yves is the author of 'Poverty And Equity Measurement, Policy, And Estimation With Dad', published 2005 under ISBN 9780387258935 and ISBN 0387258930.

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