Symposium 2.1 (Pottery Manufacturing Processes: Reconstitution and Interpretation) from the 14th UISPP Conference held in Liege, Belgium, 2001. Contents: 1) Linking Society with the Compositional Analyses of Pottery (Dean Arnold); 2) Transactional Politics and the Local and Regional Exchange of Pottery Resources in the Ecuadorian Amazon (Brenda Bowser); 3) The Source. Clay Selection and Processing Practices in Sub-Saharian Africa (Olivier Gosselain and Alexandre Livingstone Smith); 4) Variabilite technique et identite culturelle: un cas d'etude ethnoarcheologique en Andhra Pradesh (Laure Degoy); 5) Cultural Contacts and Technical Heritage in Senegambia (Moustapha Sall); 6) Reconnaissance des techniques et des methodes de faconnage par l'analyse des macrotraces: etude ethnoarcheologique dans la vallee du Senegal (Agnes Gelbert); 7) Utilisation du degraissant vegetal en contexte neolithique; hypotheses technologiques et Experimentation (Claude Sestier); 8) Use of Image Analysis in Determining Multi-Source Ceramic Materials (Bruce Velde); 9) La chaine operatoire de la ceramique rubanee; premiere tentative de reconstitution (Dominique Bosquet et al.); 10) Techno-Functional Aspects of a Middle Neolithic Pottery Assemblage (Spiere "De Hel", Belgium)(Bart Vanmontfort); 11) Techniques de fabrication de ceramiques du Neolithique moyen I en Armorique (France)(Gwenaelle Hamon et al.); 12) Exemples de reconstitutions des chaines operatoires des poteries du Neolithique Moyen II dans la moitie nord de la France (Caroline Colas); 13) Identification of the Beater and Anvil Technique in Neolithic Context: Experimental Approach (Remi Martineau); 14) Materiaux et types ceramiques a Saint-Blaise, station neolithique suisse (2770-2626 av. J.-C.). Poterie exogene et production locale (Simonpietro di Pierro et al.); 15) Perception stylistique et technologie ceramique: reconstitution et interpretation des techniques de faconnage des poteries archeologiques de Koumbi Saleh (Mauritanie, IX eme -XV eme siecles)(Barbara van Dooselaere); 16) Identifying Social Entities at a Macro-Regional Level: Chalcolithic Ceramics of South Levant as a Case Study (Valentine Roux et Marie-Agnes Courty); 17) Comparing Chaines Operatoires: Technological, Cultural and Chronological Features of Pre-Pastoral and Pastoral Ceramic and Lithic Production (Elena Garcea).Smith, Alexandre Livingstone is the author of 'Pottery Manufacturing ... BAR S 1349' with ISBN 9781841716954 and ISBN 1841716952.
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