Post Secondary Education

Post Secondary Education
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  • ISBN-13: 9780773501621
  • ISBN: 0773501622
  • Publisher: McGill-Queen's University Press


McLeod, Thomas H.


This publication is composed of the summary of discussion and the papers prepared for the Nuffield Canadian Seminar. The seminar, entitled "The Costs of Post-Secondary Education in a Technological Society," was held at Cap-Rouge, near Quebec City, 25-27 June 1971. The seminar reviewed the response of developed nations to the important and difficult challenges confronting post-secondary education in this technological age. It brought together heads of post-secondary institutions and educational advisory bodies, financial and educational government officials, educational researchers, and businessmen. Approximately fifty per cent of the participants were from Canada with the remainder from Australia, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Norway, United States, West Germany, and from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. La presente publication comprend les exposes presentes lors du colloque canadien Nuffield ainsi qu'un resume des discussions. Le colloque intitule "Le cout de l'enseignement post-secondaire dans une societe technologique" s'est tenu a Cap-Rouge, pres de Quebec, les 25, 26, et 27 juin, 1971. Le colloque a etudie la facon dont les nations industrialisees ont aborde les solutions aux problemes de l'enseignement post-secondaire a notre epoque technologique. II a reuni des responsables d'institutions d'enseignement post-secondaire, des conseillers en education, des hauts fonctionnaires des finances et de l'education, des specialistes de la recherche dans le domaine de l'education et des hommes d'affaires. Environ la moitie des participants etaient du Canada; les autres etaient venus de l'Australie, la Belgique, la France, la Grande-Bretagne, la Norvege, les Etats-Unis, l'Allemagne de l'Ouest, ainsi que de l'Organisation de cooperation et de developpement economiques.McLeod, Thomas H. is the author of 'Post Secondary Education ' with ISBN 9780773501621 and ISBN 0773501622.

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