Politics in States and Communitiesis distinguished by Its focus on politics Its comparative approach Its concern with explanation Its interest in policy Its focus is on conflicts in states and communities and the structures and processes designed to manage conflict. This "conflict management" theme emphasizes the sources and nature of conflict in society, how conflict is carried on, how key decision makers in states and communities act in conflict situations, and how "politicos" emerge and determine "who gets what." The political conflict management theme guides the discussion of formal governmental structures: federalism, state constitutions, parties and primaries, apportionment, legislative organizations, gubernatorial powers, court procedures, nonpartisanship, mayor and manager government, metropolitan government, community power, school boards and superintendents, tax systems, budget making, and so on. An equally important theme is that states and communities in America play an important role in the political life of the nation. State and local governments do more than merely provide certain services such as education, road building, or fire protection. They also perform. a vital political function by helping to resolve conflicts of interest in American society. NEW TO THE 11TH EDITION The Eleventh Edition has been extensively revised owing in large measure to the work of its new co-author, Susan A. MacManus, Collins Professor of Political Science at the University of South Florida. Professor MacManus brings her extensive knowledge and direct experience in state and local government to this volume, especially in the chapters dealing with community political systems, participation in community politics, metropolitan politics, and community power and land use control. Among the many new topics in this edition: New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani's performance in crisis management; how the "States Chose the President, 2000"; "Federalizing Crime" and the demise of the Violence Against Women Act; young versus old in state politics; "ten top" reasons why people stay home on election day; redistricting and "The Map-Making Mess, 2001-2002"; election reform and the "Butterfly Ballot"; the prospects for "Digital Democracy"; "Veteran State Legislators Look at their job"; "Governor Gray Davis Faces a Blackout"; "Grading the States, Management Report Card"; "Drugs in College"; "The Politics of Death Sentences"' suburban "sprawl"; homeowners associations, "Buddies or Bullies?"; "Designin Livable Communities"; "Fur Fight in Beverly Hills"; "Jeb Bush and Racial Politics in Florida"; "Grading the States in Higher Education"; "Is Welfare Reform a Success?"' Among the popular features that have been revised and retained: "Getting into Politics"; "Are Term Limits a Good Idea?"; "Ward Connerly and the Citizens' Initiative to Ban Affirmative Action"; "Federalism and the Drinking Age"; "Organizing Yom Campaign"; "How to Evade Campaign Finance Laws"; "Jesse 'The Body' Ventura... "Informal Rules of the Legislature Game"; "George W. Bush, How He Governed Texas"; "How to Win at the Budget Game"; "Can Punishment Deter Crime?"; "Political Corruption"; "Sexual Harassment"; "Battles Over Abortion"; "The Debate Over School Vouchers"; "How Wall Street Rates Your City". As in previous editions, special attention has been given to racial and ethnic conflict, including new material on Hispanic population growth and political power:. African American and Hispanic political issues and patterns of participation are discussed in Chapter 1 "Race and Ethnicity" and "The Politics of Immigration"; Chapter 2 "The Politics of State Initiatives" (including efforts to ban affirmative action);; Chapter 4 "Race, Ethnicity and Political Participation" and "Minorities in State Politics"; Chapter 8 "Bureaucracy, Democracy, and Responsiveness"; Chapter 9 "The Politics of Death SenDye, Thomas R. is the author of 'Politics in States and Communities', published 2002 under ISBN 9780130496706 and ISBN 0130496707.
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