Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal

Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal
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  • ISBN-13: 9780205607372
  • ISBN: 0205607373
  • Edition: 7
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Publisher: Longman Publishing Group


Ball, Terence, Dagger, Richard


Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal Seventh Edition Terence Ball Richard DaggerThe new edition of this bestselling text continues to provide an accessible overview of the 21st century's major political ideologies, their origins, and their development. In addition to examining the major "isms" liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and fascism the book explores the history, structure, supporting arguments, and internal complexities of these and recently emerging ideologies.The text outlines a framework defining each ideology in terms of the four functions ideologies performs explanation, evaluation, orientation, and political program allowing students to compare, contrast, and analyze the various ideologies. In addition, the book also shows how each ideology interprets "democracy" (which the authors characterize as an ideal rather than an ideology) and "freedom." In examining the latter notion, the authors analyze each ideology's view of freedom in terms of agent, obstacle, and goal.New to the Seventh EditionA discussion of the cultural preconditions of democracy and of their relevance for recent attempts to "democratize" formerly undemocratic countries in Chapter 2.Emerging tensions within liberalism regarding limits upon tolerating intolerant ideologies and political movements, especially as exemplified in recent European experience, in Chapter 3.Emerging tensions within conservatism, especially between religious right conservatism and other varieties of conservative theory and practice, and between neoconservatism and its conservative critics in Chapter 4.An entirely new discussion of Christian evangelical environmentalism or "Creation care" in Chapter 9.Greatly expanded coverage of radical Islamism, including deep divisions within Islam, rival interpretations of the Qur'an, and whether it makes sense to speak of "Islamic fascism" or "Islamofascism" in Chapter 10.Useful website listings within and at the end of each chapter.Also Available Terrence Ball and Richard Dagger, Ideals and Ideologies: A Reader, 7/e (0-205-60735-7) A compilation of original readings from a wide range of ideological perspectives, this text puts students directly in touch with the thinkers and the ideas that have shaped our world. Pair the text and reader and receive a discount on the package price. Contact your representative for more information and to request a special package ISBN. www.pearsonhighered.com/replocatorBall, Terence is the author of 'Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal', published 2008 under ISBN 9780205607372 and ISBN 0205607373.

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