Play the Ruy Lopez A Complete Repertoire in a Famous Opening

Play the Ruy Lopez A Complete Repertoire in a Famous Opening
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  • Condition: Like New
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  • ISBN-13: 9781857444278
  • ISBN: 1857444272
  • Edition: 1
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Publisher: Everyman Chess


Greet, Andrew


The Ruy Lopez is an incredibly popular opening at all levels of chess; this is perhaps unsurprising given that it's recognized by most experts as White's greatest chance of obtaining a lasting advantage after the moves 1 e4 e5. Also known as the Spanish Opening, the Lopez is steeped in rich tradition, having provided the battleground for countless clashes between World Champions of past and present: Kasparov, Fischer, Karpov, Topalov, Kramnik, Anand the list is endless! Given its immense popularity, one issue a prospective Lopez player has to face up to is the mountain of theory that has gradually developed over the years. In this book, however, Andrew Greet circumvents this potential problem by advocating a comprehensive and yet concise repertoire for White, one that can be assimilated into an opening armoury with relative ease. He also covers thoroughly the typical tactical ideas and strategies for both White and Black, arming the reader with enough knowledge to begin playing the Ruy Lopez with confidence in his or her own games. *Written by a Ruy Lopez expert *All black defences are covered *Ideal for improvers, as well as club and tournament players Andrew Greet is a young International Master, a former British Junior Champion, and is one of the UK's most rapidly improving players. In 2005 he scored a perfect 11/11 in the British National League, the first time any player had achieved this remarkable feat. He is also an experienced coach and writes regular articles for CHESS.Greet, Andrew is the author of 'Play the Ruy Lopez A Complete Repertoire in a Famous Opening', published 2006 under ISBN 9781857444278 and ISBN 1857444272.

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