How to Use This Book The Pill Book Guide to Natural Medicinesprofiles more than 275 of the most commonly used natural products available today. The entries are listed alphabetically within each of the following categories: vitamins, minerals, accessory nutrients and other natural products, herbal products, and topical preparations. If you are interested in a particular supplement and do not know to which category it belongs, please consult the Index of Natural Products at the front of the book. Here is a brief description of each category. Particular issues related to each category are discussed in more depth at the beginning of each part. You will find it useful to read these overviews as well as the profile of the individual supplement that interests you. Part I: Vitamins. Vitamins are essential nutrients that function along with enzymes in chemical reactions necessary for human bodily function, including energy production. Together, vitamins and enzymes work to act as catalysts in speeding up the making or breaking of chemical bonds that join molecules together. Part II: Minerals. Minerals function, along with vitamins, as components of the body's enzymes. Minerals are also needed for proper composition of bone and blood and for the maintenance of normal cell function. Part III: Accessory Nutrients and Other Natural Products.Accessory nutrients are food components and substances naturally produced in the body that are required for normal physiology. Other natural products include supplementary hormones, glandular preparations, amino acids, and helpful bacterial preparations such as Lactobacillus acidophilus. Part IV: Herbal Products. These include not only crude herb preparations but also compounds composed of or derived from herbs and other medicinal plants. Part V: Natural Ingredients Used in Topical Preparations. While Parts I-IV cover products for oral use, this part provides information on natural substances used in skin care products and topical medications. You can also use this book to discover alternative medicines that may be helpful in treating a specific health condition. This information is contained inPart VI: Common Health Conditions.This part provides an alphabetical guide to more than sixty-five common health conditions; each entry includes both the prescription drugs and the natural medicines most often used for each condition. Organization of the Natural Product Entries Parts I-IV include natural products taken orally. Each product entry is organized according to the following outline: Generic or Brand Name The common name of the natural product is used for most entries (e.g., "vitamin C" instead of "ascorbic acid"). A supplement is listed by brand name only when a brand has established itself as a unique proprietary product. Used For A listing of the popular uses for each entry is given. In an effort to provide information on the effectiveness and safety of the entries, a rating system was developed based upon currently available information. The rating is based upon the level of scientific support for a particular application. The fact that a substance has not been scientifically investigated does not mean that it is without benefit. Likewise, the fact that a substance has been used for hundreds of years does not necessarily mean that it is either effective or safe. The scientific investigation of natural products is an ongoing effort, and new information is constantly validating or refuting claims about the therapeutic value of these preparations. Here is an expanded explanation of the rating scales: Effectiveness A = Excellent results in multiple double-blind studies In order to receive an A rating, the substance must have undergone a clinical trial--a study in which human subjectsMurray, Michael is the author of 'Pill Book Guide to Natural Medicines Vitamins, Minerals, Nutritional Supplements, Herbs, and Other Natural Products' with ISBN 9780553581942 and ISBN 0553581945.
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