This book has been written and designed expressly for photographers of allinds - whether professional or amateur, black-and white or colour,ilm-based or digital. It explains how to improve images, maximise theirotential and correct the commonest problems. The use of numerouscreen-shots and the author's clear explanations will help photographers,hatever their level of experience, to use the computer easily, effectivelynd powerfully, no matter whether they are starting with film-basedhotography or digital images. It will encourage them to avoid theistractions of special effects filters and weird distortions that serveittle practical purpose and to concentrate on creating simply superb images.; detailed introduction to the technology is followed by numerous workshopshat explore its full potential through worked examples. The detail ishorough, every step in each process is fully described, and all options thatight be considered are discussed, with explanations as to when and why theyhould be rejected or adopted. Photoshop CS for Photography does not assumeTom Ang is the author of 'Photoshop CS for Photography: The Art of Pixel Processing', published 2004 under ISBN 9781902538372 and ISBN 1902538374.
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