PART ONE: FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS Chapter 1: Morality and Moral Philosophy Case Study: The Watergate Coverup Morality The Nature of a Moral Postition: Ronald Dworkin: "The Concept of a Moral Position" The Object of Morality: G.J. Warnock: "The Object of Morality" Approaches to the Study of Morality The Remainder of This Text Suggested Supplementary Readings Chapter 2: Relativity, Pluralism, and Individuality in Morals Case Study: Mercy Killing in Canada Relativism in Morals: J.L. Mackie: "Relativism and the Claim to Objectivity"; Richard B. Brandt: "Relativism and Ultimate Disagreements about Ethical Principles" Moral Disagreement: Alasdair MacIntyre: "Moral Disagreements" Egoism: David P. Gauthier: "The Incompleat Egoist" Suggested Supplementary Readings Chapter 3: Justification and Truth Case Study: Organ Procurement Policies Moral Arguments and Moral Justification Internal and External Justifications Ultimate Justification and Individual Choice: William K. Frankena: "Why Be Moral?" Cognitivism Noncognitivism Moral Realism and Antirealism: David McNaughton: "Morality--Invention or Discovery?"; J.L. Mackie: "Subjectivsim, Objectism, and the Error Theory" Reflective Equilibrium: John Rawls: "Some Remarks About Moral Theory" Conclusion Suggested Supplementary Readings PART 2: CLASSICAL ETHICAL THEORIES Chapter 4: Mill and Utilitarian Theories Case Study: Health Policy for Hypertension The Objectives of Normative Theories The Utilitarian Conception of Morality: John Stuart Mills: "Utilitarianism" The Concept of Utility Act Utilitariansim: J.J.C. Smart: "An Outline of a System of Utilitarian Ethics" Rule Utilitarianism: Richard B. Brandt: "Some Merits of One Form of Rule-Utilitarianism" Criticisms and Defenses of Utilitarianism: Robert Nozick: "Moral Constraints and Moral Goals" Conclusion Suggested Supplementary Readings Chapter 5: Kant and Deontological Theories Case Study: Plutonium Secrets The Deontological Conception of Morality: John Rawls: "Utilitarianism and Deontology" Kant's Ethics: Immanual Kant: "The Good Will and the Categorical Imperative" Prima Facie Obligations: W.D. Ross: "What Makes Right Acts Right?" Respect for Persons and Respect for Autonomy Deontolgoical Constraints Criticisms and Defenses of Deontolgoical Theories Conclusion Suggested Supplementary Readings Chapter 6: Aristotle and Virtue Theories Case Study: The Virtues of Jane Addams The Concept of Virtue Aristotelian Ethics: Aristotle: "Moral Virtue" The Special Place of the Virtues: Alasdair MacIntyre: "The Nature of the Virtues" Can Virtues and Obligations Coexist? Moral Ideals and Moral Excellence: Joel Feinberg: "Obligation and Supererogation" Criticisms and Defenses of Virtue Ethics: Robert B. Louden: "On Some Vices of Virtue Ethics" Conclusion Suggested Supplementary Readings Chapter 7: Hume and Humean Theories Case Study: Drinking Dessert Wines Hume's Moral Philosophy: David Hume: "The Principles of Morals" Morals by Invention: J.L. Mackie: "The Content of Ethics" Morals by Agreement: David Gauthier: "David Hume, Contractarian" The Voice of Moral Sentiment: Annette Baier: "Hume, The Women's Moral Theorist?" Criticisms of Humean Ethics Conclusion Suggested Supplementary Readings PART 3: TOPICS IN MORAL AND SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY Chapter 8: Rights Case Study: The Taliban in Control Rights and Human Rights Liberalism and Its Communitarian Critics: Joel Feinberg: "Liberalism and Dogmatism" The Communitarian Rejection of Liberalism: Charles Taylor: "Atomism"; Jeremy Waldron: "When Justice Replaces Affection: The Needs for Rights" Rights Against Oppression: Susan Moller Okin: "Feminism, Women's Human Rights, and Cultural Differences" Types of Rights The Contingency of Rights Right-Based Ethical Theories Conclusion SuggBeauchamp, Thomas L. is the author of 'Philosophical Ethics An Introduction to Moral Philosophy' with ISBN 9780072297218 and ISBN 0072297212.
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