People and the President America's Conversation With FDR

People and the President America's Conversation With FDR
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  • ISBN-13: 9780807055106
  • ISBN: 0807055107
  • Publisher: Beacon Press


Levine, Lawrence W., Levine, Cornelia R.


Sample Letters March 13, 1933 The President of the greatest Nation on earth honored every home with a personal visit last night. He came into our living-room in a kindly neighborly way and in simple words explained the great things he had done so that all of us unfamiliar with the technicalities might understand. When his voice died away we realized our "friend" had gone home again but left us his courage, his faith and absolute confidence. As long as you talk to your people there is not one thing you cannot accomplish. From the lips of neighbors, acquaintances and strangers we hear this sentiment. Congress and other law-makers will find themselves puny interference when you have but to turn to the Radio and enter our home a welcome and revered guest. If you could only hear our response-but, I'm sure you sense the great hope and reliance of your people, We believe in you! Of all precedents you have shattered is the theory that a man must come from the lowly to understand the needs of the common people. We love you for that perception that could only come from a great unselfish heart. We are just a modest middle-class people having lost what little we had, but, since March 4th, . . . we knew we were not fighting alone. We have a LEADER at last. If this should ever reach your eyes-don't take anyone's valuable time for acknowledgement when there is so much to be done. I hope that when the major things have been disposed of you will not forget a national old-age bill such as you fostered in New York. It will alleviate so much suffering and humiliation. Since you addressed us as "friends" we have written our letter in this spirit and to express our faith. Respectfully, F. B. Graham Mrs. F. B. Graham Dubuque, Iowa March 13, 1933 Sir, . . . Last evening I and my small family eagerly awaited your radio message and were thrilled by the feeling that, whilst you have been elevated to the highest and most honorable office in the world, you are still patient with us who are not as well acquainted with the world situation as you are. Let me assure you that I and my friends will be patient with you in your problems, and will be intensely loyal to you. I feel assured of the safety of America in your capable hands, and it is a bit easier for me to "keep my chin up" than it was two weeks ago. Because of the friendly words with which you couched your address of last evening, I am daring to presume upon you and to state that one day, after your term of office is passed, I should welcome meeting you and verbally expressing what is in my mind. Most loyally, A. W. Thomas M.D. Youngstown, Ohio P.S. This is not written with the expectation of an answer nor a signature of our President. A. W. T. March 13, 1933 Dear Mr. President: Your talk, last night, over the air, on our Banking Problems, was most inspiring. . . . Most people, have very little money, and saving, a little for that "Rainy Day," is continual pinching, planning, scraping, and self-denial. And then it does not amount to very much. But at least, one has the feeling that in case of sickness, or unemployment, there is something in the Bank, to help out during a bad time. Then, out of a clear sky, one awakes to find oneself, out of work, and the bank holding the small savings, closed. And though worry does not help at all, one cannot do anything else but worry. But you, Mr. President have instilled a new Courage, into the hearts of the American People. Even though, I have not worked for almost a year, and my savings are tied up, in a closed bank, I, and millions oLevine, Lawrence W. is the author of 'People and the President America's Conversation With FDR' with ISBN 9780807055106 and ISBN 0807055107.

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