Cornelius and Daphne Penguin suffer the usual last minute doubts just before having their first baby. After all not all babies are easy to take care of--some cry constantly, others are always hungry and most never sleep right through the night. But Penelope the baby penguin turns out to be a good baby. A very good baby. Perhaps too good. Barely a week old, she sleeps all night, never cries, always says please and serves her parents breakfast in bed. Determined to be helpful she vacuums the house, does laundry and even tunes up the family car. Late one night, however, her goodness gets her in trouble. When two police officers bring Penelope home for driving to the grocery store without a licence, her parents realize they must take action.Bianchi, John is the author of 'Penelope Penguin the Incredibly Good Baby' with ISBN 9780921285113 and ISBN 0921285116.
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