A collection of messages, meditations and exercises from Archangel Michael. "We turn back into ourselves to open the door. Now you are ready to ask "Who Am I"? " "My Beautiful Beings of Light as the Pink Love Light Waves, from The Creator, waft around you forming a tiny whirlwind vortex, let the memories of HOME flood your remembrance. If tears come My Beautiful Beings of Light let them flow for you are receiving a Spiritual Hug from The Creator, Welcome HOME.""You ask how can one be HOME if one is sitting reading this book? The answer My Beloveds is, this is your up link, your connection if you will. Every time you pick up this book to begin your work it sends a signal to all of your Guardian Angels, Spiritual Guides, Spiritual Families and The Creator so that you are well supported and guided during every word you read and every exercise that you complete. Your Spiritual Support System is waiting, are you ready?"O'Riley, Carolyn Ann is the author of 'Path to Discovery Book IV of the Collection Archangel Michael Speaks ' with ISBN 9781411652514 and ISBN 1411652517.
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